Training Stand Gas Technology

Item No.: 95740

Mobile training stand on rollers for practical teaching of the basics of gas technology.

The training stand can be used to complete self-contained practical work on real industrial components. In this way, complete customer orders for gas installation can be processed.

Particularly illustrative: The training stand is equipped with a camera that makes the triggering process of the gas flow monitor visible.

All tests are carried out with compressed air.

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  • Safe operation of the training stand with compressed air generated by a whispering compressor
  • With a camera via USB connection, e.g. for a laptop, the triggering process of the gas flow monitor can be made visible to teach the mode of operation
  • Use of different pipe materials according to TRGI
  • Effect of different pipe lengths on the flow pressure
  • With flow floats for visualising gas consumers and flow behaviour when operating several gas consumers
  • With measuring test ports for measuring the pressures that occur
  • For processing customer orders, including:
  • Carrying out load and leak tests
  • Carrying out maintenance orders (regulator test, serviceability test)
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The didactic documents are an essential part of the gas technology training stand and contain, among other things, the following learning field-oriented learning situations:

  • Functional analysis of gas-relevant components (insulating piece, gas pressure regulator, gas flow monitor, gas meter, shut-off devices, gas appliance taps)
  • Approved materials and possible joining methods
  • Leak test of gas pipes
  • Active and passive protection against tampering in gas installations
  • Inspection of a gas installation
  • Serviceability test of gas pipes

The learning situations are dealt with through practical work at the training stand. The didactic documents contain tasks, suggested solutions and sample calculations for the evaluation of the measured values determined at the training stand.

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  • Vocational schools
  • Company and inter-company training centres
  • Mobile training stand on rollers
  • Detailed experiment instructions

Not included in the scope of delivery:

  • Notebook (or PC/tablet) for connecting the USB camera in the gas flow monitor
  • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): 1,500 x 900 x 1,940
  • Weight: 140 kg
  • Connection: compressed air
  • Endoscope camera in gas flow monitor: Connection via USB

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