Industrial Components and Equipment for your Perfect Training Lab

Functional and well-equipped training labs ensure successful vocational training. Realize your ideas with a strong partner! Christiani offers you everything from one single source: professional expertise in conception and planning as well as integrated didactic concepts.

Training Lab Equipment
with 19" Aluminium Channel Twin, 2-row Experimental Frame and Hanging Container
mMS Sorting System Compact 4.0
Electric Drives and HV Systems in Vehicles
with Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaics

Safely into E-Mobility with the Training Concept of Christiani

The Flexible Workplace System in Vocational Training and Further Training

Training Labs – Individually Designed, Perfectly Planned

Learning needs space. Rooms in which learners find ideal working conditions to acquire practical techniques and theoretical knowledge. Equipped with functional furniture, professional teaching systems and modern technology: this is how we create laboratories, training workshops and training labs that offer a successful learning environment.

Planning is the Foundation for Learning Success

To ensure that everything is perfect when furnishing the new rooms, we take great care during the planning process. Together with architects, structural engineers and other specialists involved in the project, we plan your training labs in detail and with great precision. For example, when it comes to the load capacity of the floor for one of the machines. Or when planning the technical connections for electricity, compressed air or water. Or in the lighting concept, route planning and many other important details.

Everything from the Hardware to the Educational Media

We are your partner for the overall concept – from the basic equipment and the teaching system to the didactic materials that support you in teaching the technical know-how. Rely on Christiani’s extensive experience, competence and broad product portfolio when designing and building training labs and workshops:

  • Furniture / Equipment
  • Interactive Displays
  • Teaching Systems
  • Machines
  • Workshop Equipment

Christiani is offering you:

  • Requirement analysis
  • Capacity utilization calculation support
  • Development of training concepts according to the requirements of training regulations and valid workplace guidelines
  • Training lab planning – ideas for room design and equipment
  • Cooperation with architects and other partners
  • Budget planning
  • Teaching systems, suitable didactic materials, tools, room equipment – all from one single source
  • A single point of contact: Project support from the beginning to the end
  • Training of the teaching staff