Teaching System Heating Technology
with Renewable Energies

Training Stands S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7
Item No.: 96431

Christiani has developed the teaching system Heating Technology with Renewable Energies especially for vocational training in Sanitation technology. By combining the training stands, learning content for training or further education in the techniques heat pump, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy and pellet heating systems or biomass can be conveyed in a clear and sustainable way.

With the teaching system all relevant service work, testing and operating tasks for the technologies mentioned can be realised. The entire training system was developed in cooperation with Willi Kirchensteiner, the pioneer in vocational training in the field of renewable energies. With the practical application examples, a maximum of know-how transfer and qualification success in the field of renewable energies and heating technology is achieved in a short training period.

Pedagogic requirements

  • Maximum learning efficiency from closely linking theory and the practical side of the subject with hands-on learning processes
  • The contents of learning must be made "graspable" in both meanings of the word
  • To avoid any waste of time in the learning organisation, all learning processes have to provided at the place of learning in a qualified and optimised manner, and the system technology must be designed for practical applications such that these processes can be realised in a mutually complementing way
  • This calls for "integrated specialist classrooms" where both theory and the practical side of the area of technology concerned can be mediated
  • The efficiency in conveying the knowledge and findings is part of the balanced concept which includes written information and exercises organised using modern media techniques, PC workplaces, experimental, laboratory and demonstration equipment to practice on
  • All learning processes are designed in the context of "complete action" with the problem assignment (job, information), conditional analysis (analysis of the knowledge relevant to the organisation, planning), project realisation (execution, realisation, test record) and transfer (documentation, assuring the results, testing)

The training system for System Heating Technology consits of seven mobile training stands:

  • Training stand S1: Geothermal Heat Source or Underfloor Heating

This training stand can be used as a source of heat in the configuration "Brine heat pump" (training stand 5) or as the heat sink in combination with the heat pump or the solar heat stand (training stands 3 and 4).

Operation with or without filling with water is possible here!

  • 200-litre water tank
  • 3 pipe systems (10, 20 and 30 metres in length)
  • Integrated hot-medium meters to measure the overall flow, the hot and the cold outputs as well as the admission and return temperatures
  • Bypass valve between the heating circuits for the experiments to bypass the three pipe systems
  • Experiments on "hydraulic adjustment" with the three pipe systems routed in parallel using the volumetric flowmeters and throttle valves


  • Training stand S2: Fan Coil as Source or Sink

Both the source of energy and the energy sink with discharge of warm air can be realised with the fan convector in these experiments.

  • Fan power in the air throughput up to 2300 m?/h
  • Heating power up to 22.4 kW at 90/70/20?C
  • Adjustable cooling performance from 3 to 5.4 kW at 7/12/27?C
  • Continuous throttle action in the hydraulic circuit by turning valves on the convector
  • Series of experiments to optimise the energy between the heating power available from the heating circuit and the energy conveyed from the convector to the air in the room
  • Integrated hot-medium meter


  • Training stand S3: Solar Thermal Energy with Solar Simulation

The main components of this training stand are the flat plate collector, the solar heat regulator and the circulation pump

  • Clear glass collector with copper absorber (collector area 0.93 m?, liquid content 0.9 litre, flow from left or right, standstill temperature to about 185 ?C)
  • System regulator with diverse regulating functions and energy measuring / sensing for the functional value using an erasable memory device for the data
  • High-efficiency pump (minimum power input 5.8 W and maximum delivery height 5 m) as the wet running meter with EC motor, and with automatic adjustment of the power
  • 6 x 500 W halogen spotlights for simulation of the irradiated solar power
  • Safety devices with diaphragm expansion vessel and 6-bar pressure control valve
  • 2 ball valves, with integrated thermometer and gravity braking system in the collector circuit
  • Flowmeter and "FlowCheck" for controlling the flow (5 to 40 L/min)
  • Fittings for filling and flushing


  • Training stand S4: Coupling Component Hydraulic Switch, Plate Heat Exchanger and Buffer Storage

This training stand is used for adaptation to the hydraulic conditions. The uses for the hydraulic switch, the plate heat exchanger or the heat exchanger integrated in the storage system are diverse.

  • Hydraulic switch and plate heat exchanger are interchangeable using an exchangeable disc (the component not being used is fastened to the rear of the stand)
  • Hydraulic switch: Stainless steel vessel (volume approx. 1 litre) Primary circuit and secondary circuit are at the same pressure but are not hydraulically coupled
  • Plate heat exchanger: 16 exchange plates, exchanger performance 17 kW at 70/50?C primary and 35/45?C secondary
  • Enamel reservoir for holding 160 litres of water, with integrated straight-tube heat exchanger


  • Training stand S5: Heat pump

This training stand constitutes the central element of the teaching system. Besides the heat pump, the stand contains all the power supply points for the other training stands. With the brine and heating circuit connection, the circulation pumps and the safety devices are already installed for the professional operation of a heat pump.

  • Conventional heat pump with evaporator, scroll compressor, liquefier and expansion valve in line with state-ofthe-art technology.
  • Permanently fitted cold circuit (not accessible for experimental interventions), refrigerant R407c.
  • Manometer for sensing and measuring physical events in the cold circuit.
  • Digital thermometers for measuring the temperatures in the cold circuit downstream of the evaporator, air compressor, liquefier and expansion valve.
  • Low and high-pressure control devices, energy measuring device, highefficiency circulation pumps and other components.
  • Power supply, measuring and switching unit with RCT, main fuses, energy measuring device, control-circuit fuse and contactor relay.


  • Training stand S6: Hybrid Collector with PV Components

This training stand adds a further key technology - photovoltaics - to the teaching system. This also allows a solid fundamental knowledge of hybrid collectors to be accumulated and built upon. Thus, heat pump system concepts can be developed and tested using photovoltaics and hybrid collectors. The process of system integration as a solution with many benefits is therefore convincingly practical.

Learning objectives:

  • To understand the function of a hybrid collector on the basis of experiments and measured values
  • To plan heat pump systems with hybrid collectors as an energy source for the heat pump
  • To understand the effect of the temperature profile on the thermal collector and PV module
  • To record and analyse measured values
  • To plan and execute an emergency power system for a circulation pump with regulator
  • Sensible use of PV electricity in off-grid systems or in the emergency power system
  • Experimental derivation
  • To understand the physical process of a hybrid collector in thermal energy extraction through the brine circuit of a heat pump
  • To understand the process of water extraction through condensation at the hybrid collector
  • Training stand S7: Pellet Heating

The new training stand is an addition to the teaching system heat pump with solar thermal and photovoltaic. The training stand S7 presents the processes and functions of a modern pellet heating system with original components.

The following learning objectives can be achieved with the teaching system:

  • Understanding of system technical conditions of heating systems with renewable energies in general, and of heat pump heating systems, wood pellet heating systems, solar thermal systems and hybrid collector systems for solar thermal energy and photovoltaics in particular
  • Knowledge of the electrical, hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions using the example of a heat pump heating system or a pellet heating system, or a solar thermal system, or a hybrid collector system for solar thermal energy and photovoltaics.
  • Knowledge of the physical processes in the cooling circuit of a heat pump.
  • Basic knowledge of biomass heating systems and knowledge of the processes involved in the combustion process of a pellet heating system.
  • Systematic action for the commissioning of a heat pump heating system, or a pellet heating system, or a solar thermal system, or a hybrid collector system for solar thermal energy and photovoltaics.
  • Skills for action-oriented planning, installation and commissioning of heat pump, pellet, and solar thermal heating systems as well as hybrid collector systems for solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.
  • Ability to create test reports on heat pump heating systems, on pellet heating systems and on solar thermal systems combined with photovoltaics.
  • Competence in the metrological recording and evaluation of electrical and hydraulic processes using the example of heat pump, pellet heating and solar thermal systems and of hybrid collector systems for solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.
  • Understanding of energy optimisation processes in heating systems with heat pumps, pellet burners, solar thermal systems and hybrid collector systems for solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.
  • Knowledge of the terms and operating resources of heat pump, pellet heating and solar thermal systems and of hybrid collector systems for solar thermal and photovoltaic systems
  • Ability to assess electrical and hydraulic measured values in heat pump heating systems and pellet heating systems and to plan process changes based on these values
  • Understanding of the control and energy optimisation of circulating pumps in heating systems.
  • Competence in the optimisation of energetic processes in heating systems
  • Competence in planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a heat pump heating system and a pellet heating system and a solar thermal system.
  • Competence in consulting on the essential features of a heat pump heating system, a pellet heating system and a solar thermal system, also in comparison with other heating systems.
  • Understanding of the energy system integration of a heat pump heating system, a pellet heating system and a solar thermal system into existing hydraulic supply systems.
  • Initial training / apprenticeships:
    • Plant mechanic Sanitation
    • Electrical engineer for energy and building services engineering (formerly: electrician)
  • Continuing education:
    For further training measures in renewable energies and SHK for the fields of heat pumps and solar thermal energy, e.g. for further training qualifications:
    • Solar technician
    • Specialist for solar technology
    • Solar thermal specialist
    • Heat pump specialist
    • Solar consultant
    • etc.
  • For company and inter-company training centres
  • Universities
  • Operational research and development
  • Scientific research and development
  • Seven mobile training stands: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7
  • 2x Solarcheck Mobilcenter P80
  • Tyfocor L Antifreeze, 20 litres concentrate
  • Magnetic designation boards for the most important components: Each training stand is supplied with magnetic boards with the designations of the most important components of the respective stand as well as self-adhesive carrier plates The correct assignment of the designation boards to the components is part of the didactic concept.
  • Accessories: Hoses for filling (1/2" thread) and emptying (3/4" thread) the system as well as all necessary connecting elements and connections for carrying out all the tests described in the test instructions
  • Detailed experiment instructions:
    • Theoretical part (basics, description of the teaching system)
    • Test descriptions (structure of the tests)
    • Task sheets
    • Solutions
    • Extract Table of contents
    • Reading sample Description Training stand S1
    • Reading sample Experimental procedure and measuring tasks
    • Reading sample Measuring tasks Solutions
  • Training Stand S1: Geothermal Heat Ssource or Underfloor Heating
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 1,000 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 80 kg
  • Training Stand S2: Fan Coil as Source or Sink
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 900 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 70 kg
  • Training Stand S3: Solar Thermal Energy with Solar Simulation
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 2,150 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 130 kg
  • Training Stand S4: Coupling Component Hydraulic Switch, Plate Heat Exchanger and Buffer Storage
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 1,100 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 80 kg
  • Training Stand S5: Heat Pump
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 1,200 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 120 kg
  • Training Stand S6: Hybrid Collector with PV Components
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 2,000 x 800 x 1,980
    • Weight: approx. 120 kg
  • Training stand S7: Pellet Heating
    • Dimensions (W x D x H in mm): approx. 2.000 x 900 x 1.980
    • Weight: approx. 300 kg


Scope of Delivery / Individual Parts

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