Wöhler DC 430 Pressure Gauge Gas/Water

Item No.: 13854

Wöhler DC 430 pressure gauges are the ideal manometers for checking gas pipes. Gas pressure gauges are ideal for checking the serviceability, for leak testing and for load testing.

For carrying out the leakage and serviceability test according to TRGI:

  • Serviceability test at operating pressure directly on the device via the measuring nipple on the gas control block
  • Simple, fully automatic measuring sequence: switch on - measure - read
  • Gas pressure measuring apparatus with a brilliant colour display
  • Built-in pumps
  • Differential pressure accuracy: 0.01 hPa / mbar in the range ± 210 hPa / mbar
  • Measuring range: ± 2 bar
  • Data transfer from the gas pressure gauge to the PC simply via USB
  • Serviceability of gas pipes according to TRGI
  • Leak and load test according to TRGI
  • Load and leak test on drinking water pipes
  • Gas regulator test (SAV)
  • Setting the blower differential pressure and gas pressure on gas fires

The gas pressure gauge enables many other pressure measurements and temperature measurements.

Leak test application:

A leak test is mandatory for every newly installed gas pipe and drinking water pipe. Gas pipelines, especially those laid within a building, must be professionally tested for leaks before they are put into operation for the first time. In the Technical Rules for Gas Installations DVGW/TRGI 1986, it is recommended that a professional leak test should be carried out approximately every twelve years. Wöhler gas pressure measuring instruments support the specialist company in this respect, among other things, with their unique graphic display for the evaluation of the measurement process. As with all other tests, the measuring protocol can be output directly from the gas pressure gauge via a printer or transferred to the PC software via USB.

  • Wöhler DC 430 pressure gauge gas/water
  • Measuring hose 1,5 m
  • Batteries

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