Basics of Electrical Engineering for the Use of Renewable Energies
Teaching Materials + Educational Concept

Item No.: 100861

The training workbook teaches the elementary basics of electrical engineering and guides you towards expert knowledge in photovoltaic stand-alone technology and provides an introduction to grid connection.

The folder consists of 6 basic chapters: 1 Energy - Environment - Market 2 Energy - What is it? 3 Electrical and power engineering basics 4 Teaching material on photovoltaic off-grid technology 5 The solar work case 6 Teaching materials on grid-connected photovoltaics

Each chapter offers detailed basic information for processing in class or for self-study. At the end of each learning unit there is a comprehensive task section where the learning success can be checked immediately with the help of the solutions also included.

Chapter 5 describes in detail the assembly of the solar work case from work preparation to commissioning. By reading this chapter carefully, you will get an idea of the main components of a real stand-alone photovoltaic system.

However, the learning success is much greater if the solar work case is actually built. The material sets of the solar work case can be found under "Matching this".

The training workbook is aimed at all those who want to deal intensively with electrical engineering in relation to photovoltaics. Due to the didactic structure of the training workbook, interested beginners are also given a sound introduction to the subject. However, a basic understanding of electrical engineering should already be present.

  • Training: e.g. electronics technician for energy and building technology
  • Further education: Electrical engineering, photovoltaic island systems
  • Self-study

Folder with basic information, tasks and solutions

Wilhelm Kirchensteiner is a solar pioneer from the very beginning. After successfully completing vocational training as an electrician and heating engineer and studying electrical engineering and physics for the higher teaching profession, he was a passionate advocate of renewable energies in his work as a vocational school teacher from 1981 until his retirement. He recognised the potential of photovoltaics, heat pumps, solar thermal energy, biomass, etc. at an early stage and developed and produced corresponding teaching systems and didactic materials. Wilhelm Kirchensteiner developed the concept of further education to become a solar engineer and trained about 400 graduates to become solar engineers during his time as head of the Educational Centre for Solar Technology in Munich. Within the framework of European projects, he has constantly developed the course concepts and the didactic materials further and adapted them to the state of the art. The teaching systems offered today by Christiani for vocational training in the field of renewable energies were all developed by Wilhelm Kirchensteiner.

To a certain extent, this training workbook reflects Wilhelm Kirchensteiner's life's work in the field of stand-alone photovoltaic technology. A training folder comparable in type and scope on grid connection is in preparation.

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