Mobile hydraulics – Electro-hydraulic control of valves
Programmable remote control (joystick) with integrated power electronics (according to BIBB)

Exercise Book for the Trainee - English
Item No.: 55711

The exercise books are tailored to the device sets. These device sets build on the contents and knowledge from the "On/off hydraulics – Manual operation (BIBB, A-H)" and "Mobile hydraulics – Load-sensing control" learning topics.

The described exercises and tasks provide basic information and methods. The setup is structured in a uniform manner and provides the step-by-step description for completion of the individual exercises.

No. Exercise
01 Getting to know a proportional pressure reducing valve
02 Time ramps
03 Programming the cam with 10% and 90% step jump for rope winch
04 Programming a progressive cam for controlling the working cylinder of an excavator
05 Switchover to second cam by activating a digital input
06 Parallel operation with too little delivery volume – Optimization by means of cam

With the help of logically structured, practice-related exercises, the trainee shall learn the following:

  • understand physical laws of hydraulics such as pressure difference, opening cross-section and flow,
  • get to know and use specific graphical symbols,
  • understand the function of the load-sensing control,
  • get to know components such as 4/3 directional control valve, load holding valve, primary and secondary valve, pressure compensator, hydraulic pilot control,
  • understand the connection between control and velocity,
  • get to know the function of the load-sensing control in parallel operation,
  • work out the function and application of the hydraulic pilot control,
  • determine characteristic values and derive characteristic curves from them, if required.

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