Welcome to the International Website of Christiani

Christiani is a holistic provider of products and solutions for technical education. We support companies, colleges, universities and educational institutions in the education and training of technical specialists according to German educational standards. – Learn more!

Basic Configuration
mMS Sorting System Compact 4.0
Electric Drives and HV Systems in Vehicles
with Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaics

New Training Center in Taicang China

This city’s Sino-German dual vocational training industrial park is a new initiative to localise the dual training system…

Ethiopia Agro-Processing Masterclass Report

Christiani Africa Pty Ltd, represented by Harald Fleischmann and Tristan White, played an integral role in Ethiopian Agro-Processing…

Delegation trip to Rwanda and the eLearning Africa

The Christiani team visited eLearning Africa from 25 May to 1 June 2024 and took part in activities organised by the iMove delegation…

On the European market and its different regions, Christiani has numerous customer groups with varying country-specific needs and requirements

On the Asian Pacific market and its different regions, Christiani has numerous customers with their own individual and country-specific needs.
The lack of skilled and well-trained workers is a huge challenge across the entire Latin American continent.
The US has a proud apprenticeship history. However, this tradition has largely been lost.

The Sub-Saharan Africa region includes 49 of the 54 countries of the African continent.

Technical education plays a central role in the development plans of all countries in the MENA region.

The lack of skilled and qualified workers is also a highly topical issue in Central Asia.

For anyone involved in technical education, whether as a teacher, trainer or human resources manager, a visit to one of our competence centres will be worthwhile.

Technical Vocational Training Solutions for India

Technical Vocational Training Solutions for China

Technical Vocational Training Solutions for Africa

Christiani – Partner for Technical Education & Training Equipment

Starting at school, through vocational training, to university and further training: In technical training and further training, we cover the entire spectrum for successful learning. Our product portfolio ranges from textbooks, specialist books and didactic learning materials, training stands and teaching systems to individual learning concepts and technical teaching aids. We offer this for all school levels of the first educational path, up to teaching materials for training and examination preparation at vocational schools and technical training lab concepts for specialist institutes.

We also realise complete training rooms, training workshops, laboratories, and other technical training labs – from planning to implementation and the training of the teaching personnel.

For over 90 years, the brand Christiani stands for know-how and quality in technical and commercial training and further training. From the distance learning institute of the early days, Christiani has developed into one of the leading providers of teaching materials for the entire technical educational path.

Didactically and Practice-oriented

For our teaching systems and training equipment, we develop textbooks, training courses and didactic materials for interesting and varied vocational training and further training. Learning and education should also be fun. In doing so, we increasingly use the advantages of digital media.

Our close, long-lasting relationships with well-known companies from industry and trade, with associations and institutions ensure that we are always state-of-the-art in educational technology. This is also reflected in the quality of our teaching systems and learning media.

Didactically and practice-oriented

Our learning and teaching systems for education and vocational training cover the most important technical sectors:

  • Mechanics
  • Automation Technology
  • Electronics
  • Automotive Technology
  • Sanitation Technology
  • Renewable Energies

Christiani Training Labs

Training labs, learning rooms, laboratories, workshops are educational spaces where education and training come to life. Rooms that are planned and designed so that teaching and learning can take place under the best possible conditions. Rooms that ideally prepare learners on the demands of their technical profession. With state-of-the-art technical equipment, with practical teaching systems and with didactically prepared materials.

We will Advise you Personally

Professional personal advice and service for our customers around the world are the basis of our customer relationships. We appreciate the personal contact, on the phone, at trade fairs or at the Christiani Instructors’ Day, which we organize every year. We would also be pleased to advise you directly in your company. Or visit us in one of our Christiani Competence Centres in Rheine, Berlin or Landsberg (near Munich), Germany. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Globally at Home in Technical Education

Our outstanding position in the field of vocational qualification in Germany is also highly recognized internationally. With training programmes, foreign-language publications, and our global dealer network, we help to bring the quality of the German educational system into the world. Today we supply technical educational solutions to over 70 countries around the world.

Since 1931 – Over 90 Years of Experience

Christiani has been active in technical education for over 90 years. The Christiani company was established in 1931 as the first distance learning institute in Germany. Our experience of many years and our strong network are the basis for the high quality of the Christiani products.