E-Learning Basic Training in CNC Technology - Complete Package
English - Annual License

5 User License for Companies
Item No.: 95945

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In cooperation with Siemens, we now offer programmes for learning the basic principles of CNC technology. The aim is to enable trainees to learn the required technical theory independently using modern media. This provides students with more fun and freedom when working.
The content of the learning programmes concerns the basic principles of technical theory required for practical training in CNC technology. This Web-Based Training now provides an online learning programme for ShopMill and ShopTurn. The programme allows trainees to quickly get to grips with a CNC milling and turning user interface, designed to match those found in real workshops. The learning objective of this programme is to gain necessary basic knowledge for dealing with "real" CNC machines further down the line.

Time required to complete the course:
approx. 3 hours in total (approx. 30 minutes per module)

The six modules of the CNC technology basic training

  • Basic Principles of Machining
  • Basic Principles of Sinumerik Operate
  • Machining Tools
  • Basic Principles of NC Programming
  • Programming with Sinumerik Operate
  • Setting Up and Manufacturing

Gaining necessary basic knowledge for dealing with "real" CNC machines further down the line.
