Experiment Instructions Introduction to Control Engineering

Item No.: 54621

Note: The underlay cannot be used without suitable hardware. You can find the appropriate hardware under "Additional hardware required".

The experiment guide "Introduction to Control Engineering" covers the following topics:

  • Introduction
  • Experimental section Controlled systems
  • Controller
  • Control loops

Incl. solutions


  • Objectives and contents of the individual experiments
  • Some important terms and formula symbols
  • Notes on measurement techniques
  • Evaluation of controlled systems
  • Evaluation of controllers
  • Evaluation of control loops

Experimental section Controlled systems

  • Controlled system with P-behaviour and 1st order delay
  • Controlled systems with P-behaviour and delay of 3rd order
  • Controlled systems with I-behaviour


  • P-controller
  • PI controller
  • PD controller
  • PID controller
  • Two-point controller

Control loops

  • P-T1 controlled system, controlled by a P and PI controller
  • P-T1 controlled system, controlled by a two-point controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a P and PD controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a PID controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a two-point controller with feedback
  • I controlled system without and with additional delay, controlled by a P controller
  • Simulation of a position control loop in a machine tool
  • Controller optimisation on the basis of the step response according to Chien, Hrones and Reswick
  • Controller optimisation based on the critical controller setting according to Ziegler and Nichols

Experiment instructions "Introduction to control engineering" (incl. CD-ROM)


Additionally Required