Experiment Instructions Electrical Safety Measures

Item No.: 54610

Note: The underlay cannot be used without suitable hardware. You can find the appropriate hardware under "Additional hardware required"

The experiment instructions "Electrical safety measures" cover the following topics:

  • Instructions for handling the SAFETY BOARD
  • Protection against direct and indirect contact
  • Safety through protective extra-low voltage
  • Autotransformer
  • Overcurrent protection devices
  • Summation current transformer
  • Residual-current device
  • Protective measures in the TN system
  • Protective measures in the TT system
  • Measuring the earth resistance
  • Protective measures in the IT system
  • Protective insulation
  • Protective separation
  • Earth electrode

Incl. solutions

  • Electronics technician in automation technology
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • Mechatronics technician
  • Electronics technician for buildings and infrastructure systems
  • Electronics technician for energy and building services engineering
  • Electronics technician for machines and drive technology
  • Electrical systems technician
  • Electronics technician for devices and systems
  • Electronics technician for information and systems technology
  • Industrial electrician for industrial engineering
  • Industrial electrician, devices and systems
  • Notes on handling the Safety Board
  • Protection against direct and indirect contact
  • Basics
  • Effective range of body currents
  • Active parts
  • Body Protection against direct contact (basic protection)
  • Protection against indirect contact (fault protection)
  • Fault types
  • Residual current IF
  • Fault voltage UF
  • Maximum permissible touch voltage UL
  • Test part
  • Direct contact
  • Indirect contact and suitable protective measures
  • Safety through protective extra-low voltage
  • Basics
  • Protection classes for electrical equipment
  • Definitions
  • Regulations for the circuit
  • Test section
  • Contact voltage UB and residual current IB
  • Autotransformer
  • Basics
  • Experiment section
  • Dangers of the autotransformer
  • Overcurrent protection devices
  • Basics
  • G-fuses
  • Tripping characteristics and applications of circuit breakers
  • Protective measures and mains forms
  • The LS switch of the Safety Board
  • Test section
  • Overcurrent protective devices in the TN-C system Overcurrent protective devices in the TT system
  • Summation current transformers
  • Basics
  • Summation current transformer
  • Induced voltage Uind
  • Test section
  • Currents through the summation current transformer
  • Residual-current device
  • Basics
  • General information
  • Functioning of a residual-current device (RCD)
  • Test section
  • RCD(residual current device)
  • Protective measures in the TN system
  • Basics
  • TN systems
  • TT systems
  • IT systems
  • Protective measures in the systems
  • Assignment of protective devices to the systems
  • Main equipotential bonding
  • Additional equipotential bonding
  • Switch-off times
  • Voltage limitation in case of earth fault of a phase conductor
  • Loop impedance ZS
  • Test section
  • Earth fault of a phase conductor
  • Determination of the loop impedance Z S
  • Fault in the TN system
  • Protective measures in the TT system
  • Basics
  • TT system
  • Switch-off conditions
  • Earthing of the bodies
  • Test section
  • Testing the RCD
  • Tripping behaviour of theRCD as a function of the earthing and fault resistance
  • Measuring the earth resistance
  • Basics
  • General
  • Current-voltage measuring method
  • Test section
  • Earthing via earth resistance RA
  • Direct earthing via rod earth electrode
  • Protective measures in the IT system
  • Basics
  • General
  • Insulation monitor
  • Switch-off conditions
  • Test section
  • IT system with one fault
  • IT system with two faults
  • Protective insulation
  • Basics
  • General
  • Protection against direct contact or basic protection (protection against electric shock under normal conditions)
  • Safety regulations for insulating sheaths
  • Test section
  • Insulation faults
  • Protective separation
  • Basics
  • Protective separation
  • Conditions for the application of protective separation
  • Test section
  • Single, double and multiple faults
  • Earth electrode
  • Basics
  • Earth electrode
  • Voltage funnel
  • Earth voltage UE
  • Step voltage US
  • Experiment section
  • Voltage funnel and step voltage US

Experiment instructions "Electrical safety measures" (incl. CD-ROM)


Additionally Required