Experiment Instructions Burglar Alarm Systems

Item No.: 54607

Note: The underlay cannot be used without suitable hardware. You can find the appropriate hardware under "Additional hardware required".

The experiment instructions "Burglar alarm systems" cover the following topics:

  • Burglaries and what to do about them
  • Basics of EMA technology
  • Components of an intruder alarm system
  • Detector groups of the ALARM BOARD
  • The ALARM BOARD's burglar alarm control panel
  • Examples of burglar alarm systems

Incl. solutions

  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • Electronics technician for building and infrastructure systems
  • Electronics technician for energy and building technology
  • Burglaries and what to do about them
  • Burglary points
  • Burglary methods
  • Burglary duration
  • Mechanical security devices
  • VdS and police guidelines
  • Basics of EMA technology
  • Terms and abbreviations
  • Who is alerted and how?
  • Internal alarm
  • External alarm
  • False alarm
  • Monitoring methods
  • Detector groups
  • Power supply of EMA and EMZ
  • Wires
  • Components of a burglar alarm system
  • Strike plate contacts
  • Magnetic contacts
  • Vibration detectors
  • Alarm foils and alarm glass
  • Terminating resistor
  • Glass breakage detector
  • Structure-borne sound detector
  • Opening detector
  • Hold-up detectors
  • Drawstring contacts
  • Image detectors
  • Capacitive field change detectors
  • Light barriers
  • PIR motion detectors
  • Ultrasonic motion detectors
  • Microwave motion detectors
  • Dual motion detectors
  • Alarm tread mats
  • Acoustic and optical signal transmitters
  • Transmission devices
  • Switching devices
  • Block lock
  • Key switch
  • Mental switching device
  • Burglar alarm control panel
  • Graphic symbols
  • ALARM BOARD detector zones
  • PIR motion detector
  • Glass breakage sensor
  • Magnetic contacts
  • External key switch
  • The ALARM BOARD's burglar alarm control panel
  • The operation of detection lines
  • Possible malfunctions of the EMZ
  • Switch-on and alarm delay
  • Security with external key switch
  • Examples of burglar alarm systems
  • EMA - Example 1
  • EMA - Example 2
  • EMA - Example 3

Experiment instructions "Burglar alarm systems" (incl. CD-ROM)

Additionally Required