Experiment Instructions Basic Experiments in Electrical Engineering/Electronics

Item No.: 54604

The experiment instructions "Basic Experiments in Electrical Engineering/Electronics" cover the following topics:

  • Electrical circuit
  • Ohm's law
  • Voltage and current fault circuit
  • Electrical resistors
  • Substitute voltage source
  • Series connection of voltage sources
  • Parallel connection of voltage sources
  • Electrical power and work
  • Efficiency of electrical power
  • Voltage, current and power matching
  • Determination and representation of parameters in alternating current technology
  • Three-phase alternating current (three-phase current)
  • Capacitor in an alternating current circuit
  • Coil in an alternating current circuit
  • Interconnection of resistor, capacitor and coil
  • Transformer, transformer
  • Diodes
  • Transistors
  • Thyristors
  • Operational amplifier

**Incl. solutions

  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • Electronics technician for buildings and infrastructure systems
  • Electronics technician for energy and building services engineering
  • Electrical systems technician
  • Industrial electrician
  • Electrical circuit
  • Ohm's law
  • Voltage and current fault circuit
  • Electrical resistors
  • Basics
  • Linear resistance
  • NTC resistor (hot conductor)
  • PTC resistor (PTC resistor)
  • Photo resistor (LDR)
  • Series connection of resistors
  • Parallel connection of resistors
  • Mixing of series and parallel connection
  • Unloaded voltage divider
  • Loaded voltage divider
  • Equivalent voltage source
  • Series connection of voltage sources
  • Parallel connection of voltage sources
  • Electrical power and work
  • Efficiency of electrical power
  • Voltage, current and power matching
  • Determination and presentation of parameters in alternating current technology
  • Fundamentals
  • Characteristics of sinusoidal voltage
  • Active power with sinusoidal voltage
  • Characteristics of square-wave AC voltage
  • Three-phase alternating current (three-phase current)
  • Basics
  • Voltage characteristics of three-phase systems
  • Consumers in star connection
  • Consumers in delta connection
  • Measurements on faulty star connection
  • Measurements on faulty delta connection
  • Capacitor in an alternating current circuit
  • Basics
  • Charging and discharging process of a capacitor
  • Phase shift between current and voltage on a capacitor
  • Capacitive reactance of a capacitor
  • Series connection of capacitors
  • Parallel connection of capacitors
  • Reactive power of a capacitor
  • Coil in the alternating current circuit
  • Basics
  • Switching on and off of a coil
  • Phase shift between current and voltage on a coil
  • Inductive reactance of a coil
  • Series connection of coils
  • Parallel connection of coils
  • Reactive power of a coil
  • Interconnection of resistor, capacitor and coil
  • Basics
  • Series connection of resistor and capacitor
  • Parallel connection of resistor and capacitor
  • Series connection of resistor and coil
  • Parallel connection of resistor and coil
  • Series connection of capacitor and coil
  • Parallel connection of capacitor and coil
  • Series connection of resistor, capacitor and coil
  • Parallel connection of resistor, capacitor and coil
  • Active, reactive and apparent power
  • Transformer, transformer
  • Basics
  • Degree of coupling
  • Transformation ratio
  • Resistance transformation
  • Diodes
  • Effect of the PN junction in diodes
  • Characteristic curve representation of diodes of different semiconductor materials
  • Single-pulse midpoint circuit M1
  • Forward and reverse characteristic of Z-diodes
  • DC voltage limiting with Z-diodes
  • Voltage stabilisation with Z-diodes
  • Light emitting diodes
  • Transistors
  • Testing the stratification and rectification behaviour of bipolar transistors
  • Current distribution in the transistor and control effect of the base current
  • The characteristic curves of the transistor
  • Influence of the working resistor on the transistor properties
  • Basic amplifier circuits with bipolar transistors
  • Current regulator with transistor
  • Phase inversion stage with transistor
  • Sinusoidal generator with RC element
  • Thyristors
  • Thyristor triode (thyristor)
  • DC voltage switch with thyristors
  • Operational amplifier
  • Operational amplifier as inverting amplifier
  • Operational amplifier as non-inverting amplifier
  • Operational amplifier as summing amplifier
  • Operational amplifier as differential amplifier
  • Dynamic behaviour of the operational amplifier

Experiment instructions "Basic experiments in electrical engineering/electronics" (incl. CD-ROM)