Teaching System Control Technology - Basic

Item No.: 54732

The PID Board was specially developed for basic and advanced experiments in control technology.

  • Universal training device for control engineering
  • Built-in power supply (short-circuit proof)
  • All basic experiments possible without storage oscilloscope
  • Built-in pre-trigger circuit guarantees complete representation of the signal
  • As a test object in computer-aided teaching

Note: The matching experiment instructions must be ordered separately.

Our products are designed for the European market and meet CE requirements. For international use, regional regulations apply which must be observed. The usability of the products shown must therefore be checked in advance.

For each controller, the characteristic values can be adjusted over a wide range via plugs and potentiometers. The polarity of the signals can be adapted to the requirements of the overall circuit or the wishes of the trainer by means of various summing, comparison and inverting elements.

Limit indicators at the output of the controllers clearly indicate when the range has been exceeded by means of light-emitting diodes. For the electronic simulation of controlled systems, an I element, several delay elements and P elements are available. With a few exceptions, all control loop elements with time-dependent behaviour are designed in such a way that their step response can be measured with a normal oscilloscope and storage oscilloscope as well as with a Y-t recorder.

For operation with an oscilloscope, repetition frequencies up to approx. 100 Hz are possible. Measurements with a recorder can be performed as a one-time process at times in the seconds range. The decisive factor for the reproducibility and convenience of the measurements is the sequence control, which was specially developed for this board. When using an oscilloscope, this control allows the measurement process to be repeated cyclically, with all capacitors involved being discharged before each cycle. A pre-trigger circuit ensures that the signal is optimally displayed on the oscilloscope. For measurements with a recorder, each can be triggered individually. To control the recorder spring, the trigger output is available in conjunction with a relay. Via an additional RESET input, the sequence control can also be controlled by a computer or PLC.

To conduct out experiments, the board is placed on the table or hung in an A4 experiment rack for demonstration purposes. The training board is also available in a box (see "Matching this").

  • Electronics technician for operating technology
  • Electronics technician for devices and systems
  • Electronics technician for automation technology
  • Electronics technician for building and infrastructure systems
  • Electronics technician for aeronautical systems
  • Mechatronics technician
  • Controlled system with P-behaviour and 1st order delay
  • Controlled systems with P-behaviour and 3rd order delay
  • Controlled systems with I-behaviour
  • P-controller
  • PI controller
  • PD controller
  • PID controller
  • Two-point controller
  • P-T1 controlled system, controlled by a P and PI controller
  • P-T1 controlled system, controlled by a two-point controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a P and PD controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a PID controller
  • P-T3 controlled system, controlled by a two-point controller with feedback
  • I controlled system without and with additional delay, controlled by a P controller
  • Simulation of a position control loop in a machine tool
  • Controller optimisation on the basis of the step response according to Chien, Hrones and Reswick
  • Controller optimisation based on the critical controller setting according to Ziegler and Nichols
  • Power supply:
  • Mains voltage: 230 V AC / 115 V AC (110 V AC)
  • Mains frequency: 50 ... 60 Hz
  • Power consumption: approx. 8 VA
  • Dimensions (W x H x D): 532 x 297 x 110 mm
  • Weight: approx. 3.35 kg

Function groups in the PID training board setpoint generator:

  • Voltages:
  • 0 ... + 10 V
  • 0 ... - 10 V
  • 0 ... + 5 V
  • Setpoint integrator:
  • Time constant continuously adjustable
  • Sequence control:
  • Voltage: 0 ... + 10 V (adjustable via setpoint generator)
  • Frequency: approx. 0 ... 100 Hz
  • Single operation selectable
  • Relay:
  • with 2 changeover contacts, for setpoint, load jumps and recorder control
  • Comparator 1:
  • forms the control difference
  • e = w - x
  • P-controller:
  • Proportional coefficient KP adjustable via plug and potentiometer in the range of approx. 0.1 ... 100
  • I-controller:
  • Reset time TI adjustable via connector and potentiometer in the range of approx. 1 ms ... 10 s
  • D-controller:
  • Differential time TD adjustable via plug and potentiometer from approx. 1 ms ...10 s
  • PI-controller:
  • Controller for setting up a cascade control system
  • Summator:
  • Sums specified controller output voltages
  • Comparator 2:
  • for setting up a cascade control; forms the control difference e = w - x
  • Two-point controller:
  • Threshold switch with adjustable switching difference and additional switchable control feedback
  • Limiter:
  • For adaptation to external control loop elements and as a level detector for troubleshooting on the PID board; upper and lower response thresholds can be set separately
  • Delay element 1st order:
  • Two VZ1 elements; for simulation of controlled systems, for adjustment of the feedback variable and for actual value adjustment of real controlled systems; time constant and transfer coefficient adjustable
  • Delay element 3rd order:
  • For simulation of a controlled system with delay time, e.g. a heating controlled system; can be extended up to VZ5 elements by series connection with the VZ1 elements.
  • I-member:
  • for simulation of a controlled system with I-behavior, e.g. a filling level or position controlled system.

Mechanical specifications:

The front panel of the trainin board is made of 5 mm thick laminate, color matte blue, and is engraved with white circuit symbols, corresponding to the built-in functional groups. A sturdy plastic cover protects the rear of the unit and its shape allows the unit to be placed at an angle on the table in a way that is suitable for work.

  • Training board PID Board
  • Cable set


Matching this
