The new CAD/CAM program for the FiloCUT3 machine has an easy to use,
configurable, modular user interface. With simple parameter-supported drawing
functions and integrated programming languages, as well as convenient
processing, import and network functions, FiloCAM1 allows the transparent
reproduction of a modern integrated production.
In the automatically installed configuration program Filoconfig, not only
technical details can be configured, but also the working possibilities for
students and the organizational framework can be adapted to the respective
application. On the CAD workstations, designs are drawn and processed on the
screen with special parameter-supported CAD tools and programmed synchronously
(with a language similar to a logo or G-code (CNC)). For vectorization, a
graphic or text in any font can be displayed behind the drawing surface.
CNC and DXF import and editing allow Filo production to be linked to all
standard CAD programs or 123D Make and access to designs and drawings freely
available on the Internet.
The finished design data can be sent directly to the machine or via the
network to a CAM workstation to control the machine. The basic settings for
production (material selection and size, output and speed etc.) can either be
selected in the machine area or set up with an illustrated